Thursday, April 11, 2013

To Do or Not to Do....

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I use to be so efficient and got most of my "To Do" lists done on a timely basis, but lately (truthfully it's been awhile) my "To Do" lists look more like "Did Not" lists.  I have excuses...lots of them...some even sound decent, but...

truth is; methinks I've lost it!  Yuppers...I've lost my Grade A, top notch, head of the class, efficiency badge!  I'm no longer the teacher's sad...

This has been rather upsetting to me because in my "past" life I prided myself in my proficiency skills and delighted in any forthcoming compliments.  Ahhh...but pride goeth before a fall...

and fall I did.  A back injury, subsequent surgery and ongoing disability has rendered my organizational skills somewhat (politically correct) deteriorated.  In other words, I can't get a    #%*& thing done anymore!!  There I said it!  My competence is obsolete, out of commission, defunct, down the toilet...pssst...gone!

And you know what???

I don't care anymore!  I am FREE!  I have won the battle with time (albeit out of necessity) and I don't give a rat's you-know-what!  I am free to make a "To Do" list that says...

  • "When I get to it..."
  • "If I get to it..."
  • "I'm too tired now..."
  • "Maybe later..."
  • "Whatever..."
  • "Sure, sure, I'll get right on that..."
For the first time since I became a "responsible" adult, I am free "To Do"...



Ta Ta!


  1. I wonder when this will happen for me? I know that sometimes I am far too concerned about being productive....

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving a comment -- it was much appreciated!

    I love this post! Congratulations to you for freeing yourself of the time monster! That said -- I don't think you are as "deteriorated" as you may think. Your priorities have just changed and your focus is on something different! The only "to do" list that matters is the one that leads to happiness.

    Have a great day -- and thanks again for your kind words.

    P.S. I love love love the look of your blog!


I appreciate & welcome all your comments. If you comment, I know you're reading. Yeah!